Finnish Game Industry model for CO2 emissions calculations – an update

Earlier this year Neogames Finland Association and The Finnish Game Developers’ Association (Suomen Pelinkehittäjät ry.) built a model for Finnish game companies to estimate their carbon footprint. The model united the methodologies leading Finnish game developer studios currently use to calculate their emissions with existing third-party online resources, such as Ilmastolaskuri by WWF Finland.

The model has now been updated with emissions of YouTube audience and with some smaller fixes in wording and figure updating.

The model is free to use for any company that wants to understand its carbon footprint better. It combines emissions from players playing the games, YouTube audience, office electricity, heating and cooling, wastes and purchases, working from home and travelling. The model can be downloaded from here.

Homo Ludens has created a calculation sheet based on the model to support the calculations. The sheet can be copied for your use here. There are some corrections we need to make to the sheet on how it combines emissions, but the sheet is available also during this time the corrections are underway.

Update 05/2023: Simplified online calculator, based on this calculation model, is now on open beta testing phase:

All feedback is more than welcome. If you have any thoughts you want to share, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Elina Tyynelä from Neogames ().