
Neogames’ members represent all the different actors in the game industry: game developers, local and national organisations, game research facilities, service providers and educational institutions. We advocate their shared interests and provide services for them. 


KooPee Hiltunen
tel. +358 40-532 4176

One of our key services is to help actors in the Finnish Game Industry to connect with partners, funders, service providers and other stakeholders. We organise networking events and coordinate trade missions and marketing projects.

Check for upcoming events ›

We produce publications that provide valuable information to all working and interested in the industry. We represent the interests of the industry to decision makers, and actively cooperate with media.

Finnish game industry report ›

We bring together game companies and educational institutions to ensure that the education provided in the field of games in Finland is relevant.

Game companies in Finland ›

Our network of educational institutions includes universities, universities of applied sciences, vocational colleges and adult education centres. We are also actively involved in research projects realted to the game industry, and provide research on games education ourselves.

Finnish game education ›

In addition to general, free services, we provide tailored, paid services to all actors in the game industry.

Frozenbyte: Trine 5

Frozenbyte »

Trine 5 »