Helsinki Vocational College

Member of Neogames

Stadin AO: Games and animation

In Helsinki Vocational College (Stadin AO) you can study Games and Animation as part of creative media studies (The Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression, Audiovisual Communication). In Vocational Qualification in Media and Visual Expression (Media-alan ja kuvallisen ilmaisun perustutkinto, Audiovisuaalisen viestinnän osaamisala) you will acquire broad basic skills in making media productions and services.

In your studies you can specialize in games and animation. The studies include game design, game art (2D and 3D), coding and game engine basics. The studies are project oriented and you can further specialize in game development or in game art and animation.

Local curriculum 

Student’s project showroom 

Duration of vocational qualification: 3 years / 180 competence points

For more information:

Jaana Kivipelto-Karjalainen
Head of educational division
Ph. 09 310 82317, 040 6621794

School website
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