Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

Member of Neogames

In Kajaani University of Applied Sciences both engineering degree and business administration degree are focused on games. Both degrees have education in Finnish and English. More information about these degrees on Finnish site.

The second year of game development studies in Business Information Technology is taught completely in English giving exchange students an opportunity to study game development in English too. More information on KAMK website.

KAMK offers education to gain Bachelor’s Degree in Esports Business completely in English

Contact persons:

Engineering and business information technology: Tanja Korhonen, tanja.korhonen@kamk.fi and Jari Kähkönen, jari.kahkonen@kamk.fi

Esports Business: Janus Pitkänen, janus.pitkanen@kamk.fi and Kimmo Nikkanen, kimmo.nikkanen@kamk.fi


Master studies in English

KAMK has launched a Master’s level education in Game business Management in English. There are alternatives to full-time study on campus or online study while working. Applicants for the Master’s programme must have at least 2 years of work experience after completing a bachelor’s degree. The learning objectives and content of Game Business Management focus on management and leadership, research and development methods, global economic issues, international game business and game development project management.

For English-language studies starting in the autumn, the application deadline is usually in January.

Contact person (Master’s programmes): Tanja Korhonen, tanja.korhonen@kamk.fi

Master/YAMK duration: 2 years/60-90 cr. Game studies 40 ECTS including thesis.

Language of education: English.

Master‘s Degree in Game Business Management, part-time

  • Master of Business Administration, 90 cr (10 study places)
  • Master of Engineering 60 cr (10 study places)

The degree’s learning objectives and contents focus on management and leadership, research and development methods, global economic issues, international game business and game development project management.
The degree is a Master’s level (second-cycle) qualification of 60-90 credits in total. It takes approximately two years to complete as it is a part-time programme. The degree consists of blended studies accomplished while working. All of the course assignments and the research-based development assignment (Master’s thesis) are completed on behalf of the organisation that has commissioned them.
The Master´s degree consists of online lectures, e-learning, independent learning, group work, discussions and assignments. Each semester will start with an intensive week online and the studies will be completed fully via e-learning environments (online, distance learning).

More info: Kamk.fi: Maste’s Degree in Game Business Management, part-time

Master’s Degree in Game Business Management, full-time

  • Master of Business Administration, 90 cr (15 study places)

The degree is a Master’s level (second-cycle) qualification of 90 credits in total. It takes approximately two years to complete as it is a full-time programme. The course work accounts for 60 ECTS and the remaining 30 ECTS are for the graduate thesis. The 60 ECTS of course work includes 12 individual courses of 5 ECTS each. The courses are designed to provide students with the information they will need to succeed as high-level business leaders in today’s modern business environment. Some of the course assignments and the research-based development assignment (Master’s thesis) are completed on behalf of the organisation that has commissioned them.

The Master’s degree consists of lectures, e-learning, independent learning, group work, discussions and assignments. Please note that the studies do require full-time attendance in Finland and the students are expected to arrive in Kajaani at the start of the studies.

More info: Kamk.fi: Master’s Degree in Game Business Management, full-time


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