Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine week 06/2023 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 13th February; Chris Zukowski: How To Market A Game on Steam. Event is organized by Living Game Intelligence Network
- 15th February Finnish Game Incubator Demo Day 2023. Tune in to catch the show live on! VOD will be available on YouTube after the event.
- 10th March Game Audio Awards. Deadline for submissions is February 5th.
- 20th-21st March Game Connection America. Neogames has negotiated an offer with Super Early Bird prolongation to its members to Game Connection America during GDC week in March. EXHIBITOR PACKAGE registration before 6.2.2023
- 20th-24th March Game Developer Conference / San Francisco
- 18 – 21 April 2023 GamiFIN Conference. The call for papers is now open! Submission Deadline: December 20th, 2022
- 8th June Games First Helsinki. Click this link
See also The Game Industry Events calendar Game Conference Guide Calendar
Flemish Game association calendar & Game Industry Biz
Open jobs & Recruitment:
- Is your studio hiring and/or looking for good visibility among #gamedev talent this spring? Games Job Fair Spring 2023 is the Online & Onsite in Helsinki games industry event for you!
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals for short- or long-term hire – please check out the anonymous GameDevTalents board with screened and pre-interviewed talents ranging from mid to senior levels of experience and open to career opportunities. Feel free to reach out for details! And if you are Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry, feel free to apply Additionally, here is an anonymous list of talents who joined our Games Job Fair event and are open to career opportunities. If you want to see someone’s full profile, please feel free to reach out with the Contact button, so that they reach out to the talent for their consent. In your email please specify the project and/or position you are hiring for. A job description would be ideal.
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
- Uratarinoita, erilaisista ihmisistä / mostly in Finnish, but few different career stories in English too
💸 Funding
- Creative Europe: support programme for Europe’s cultural and creative sectors 2021-2027. Deadline for applications is on 1st March.
Soili Meklin asks about how to find internship opportunities
Other News
- Neogames Finland is updating the lists of games released globally in 2022. Based on game list Finnish Game Awards
nominees are voted. Deadline for game list updates is 15.2So please check that your (Commercial digital) games are listed and details are right, and if not, please let reach me out by email; suviATneogamesFi. Only games reaching the global release for the first time should be listed. This time also games in Steam Greenlight are accepted.
- Heroic City is on beta. Download the beta (pc) at + You can also join Discord community
- Get Funded! -event organized together with IGDA Finland collected a group of #gamesindustry professionals & students both on-site and on-line to discuss #funding options for game companies. Details of our speaker list: you can watch the stream here
- Solip’s Comic new episode “the story of Sound Designers”
Did you want to participate in Game Jam last weekend but didn’t have the opportunity?
- Still Running has released “Morbid: The Lords of Ire” on Steam wishlist + Join their Discord
- Neogames Elina was interviewed by Games Industry.Biz about actions Finnish (and European) game industry are taking against climate change and to maintain biodiversity. Some things already done, but still much to do.
- New game “Stuffo the Puzzle Bot” by Hapatus Ltd. (company by Antti Tiihonen) will be released on March 2nd on PC and iOS! It’s 9.99$ on PC and 4.99$
- Makea Games invite you all – especially game developers interested in our UGC solution – who are dreaming of a first person “Tony Hawk’s Mirror’s Edge” game to join us to test the upcoming pre-alpha of Supermoves.