Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine week 4/2021 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 29-31st January #FGJ21 will happen, as a part of Global Game Jam.
- 29th January GDWC Talks on twitch
- 8-12 February Pocket Gamer Connects Digital #5
- 15th February Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Building Sustainable Gaming Cultures” (online)
- 29th March Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Fostering Playful Experiences with Wearables” (online)
- March 2021(Date tbc) British Academy Games Awards
- Tuesday 2 March 2021 – Nominations announced
- March 2021 (Date tbc) – British Academy Games Awards
- 19th April Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Next Generation of Interactive Streaming” (online)
- 3rd May Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Art of Learning by Doing – The Great Game Jam Panel” (online)
- 19th-23rd of July GDC 2021
- 14-15th October W Love Games
The recorded sessions from W
Games 2020 are now available on website
See also The Game Industry Events calendar
Neogames Finland is conducting the Finnish Game Industry Report. Regarding to that we are kindly asking Finnish game companies to fill the survey behind the link by February 7th. Password is: k3Z(f&%xRIf you have already responded this inquiry or been interviewed by us, you don’t need to do it again.Since the survey is designed to assess the Finnish game industry commercial situation, it is only for companies with Business Identity Code/Business ID (y-tunnus). All the company-specific information in this survey is confidential. The company-specific information is used as part of a larger data set, so that the Finnish game industry’s growth, development and current state can be reliably estimated.
- Lightneer games got 40M+ downloads last year and their newest game Bazooka Boy has just hit 10M installs and counting!
- Azerion fully acquires Habbo Hotel developer Sulake. Pan-European gaming and adtech firm buys remaining 49% having held a controlling stake since 2018
Open jobs & Recruitment:
- NextGames is looking for (Senior) PX Specialist
- Mindfit Consulting is looking for Game Lead Developer for their customer company in Helsinki
- CrazyLabs is looking for senior Unity developer work can be done remotely from Helsinki
- Lightneer is looking for Game Desinger
- BusinessFinland has launched a nationwide job board to advertise jobs for #English speakers in #Finland. Advertising the open positions in the portal is free of charge for the companies.
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals in Finland for short or long term hire – please check out ever growing #GamesFactoryTalentBoard and please reach out for details! Also if you are #Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry feel free to apply!
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
💸 Funding
Joonas Pylvinen is asking if anyone who has made character face movements for talking before?
Other News
- Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture is asking for COVID 19 consequences in creative industry. Reply by 1st February. Questionnaire only in Finnish
Kalle Koivunen a final year student of Economic Sciences at Tampere University is working on his master’s thesis on Performance measurement/evaluation practices for a game studio professionals in Finnish game companies. He is looking for to interview people from video game studios who:
– are working on game development process, such as programmers, artists, designers etc. and have a manager/superior of some sort– I would also welcome outlooks from different kind of managers (such as project managers etc.)If you are interested in helping him with his thesis, please sign up for this form or DM him
- An EY&GESAC study maps the shock waves of the COVID-19 crisis in European creative and cultural industries. The video games industry seems to be the only one to hold up, with revenues expected to increase by 9% in 2020. (Article in Finnish Only)
- MiTale Dev-Blog; Viking Glory – Visualization and VR experience
- A University of Applied Sciences provided a good base, but I did personally much more than was required for my studies. In my case, it led to getting employed [in the Finnish Games Industry] (Article in Finnish only)
- Games Now Aalto stream from Monday: Founding a Game Company (Again!) in Finland