Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine week 6/2021 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 12th February Clubhouse – Nordic Breakfast with Zsuzsa James, Elina Arponen and Olesja Marjalaakso.
- 15th February Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Building Sustainable Gaming Cultures” (online)
- 25th February Finnish Game Incubator 2021 Online Demo Day – watch online 18.00 GMT+2
- 15-19th March GDC showcase
- 29th March Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Fostering Playful Experiences with Wearables” (online)
- March 2021(Date tbc) British Academy Games Awards
- Tuesday 2 March 2021 – Nominations announced
- March 2021 (Date tbc) – British Academy Games Awards
- 6-7th April Global Games Pitch ’21 – PC and Console
- 19th April Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Next Generation of Interactive Streaming” (online)
- 3rd May Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Art of Learning by Doing – The Great Game Jam Panel” (online)
- 19th-23rd of July GDC 2021
- 14-15th October W Love Games
The recorded sessions from W
Games 2020 are now available on website
See also The Game Industry Events calendar
- Redhill Games closed a funding deal with Chinese Netease and their Nine to Five is open for players to try the beta during this weekend (Feb 11-15th).
- Koukoi Games‘ Om Nom: Run has reached 25M downloads before it has been in the market for a year.
- Heavyweight Rex has reached a new milestone – with their latest and still ongoing round their cumulative lifetime total has reached approximately 2M dollars.
- Fingersoft CEO changes. Celine Pasula will pursue new challenges in the company and company’s board of director appointed Jaakko Kylmäoja as the new CEO.
Open jobs & Recruitment:
- Still Running is looking for programmers.
- Lightheart is looking for UI artist.
- Resistance Games is looking for programmer.
- Apple is recruiting an editor for Appstore (area: Northern Europe).
- BusinessFinland has launched a nationwide job board to advertise jobs for #English speakers in #Finland. Advertising the open positions in the portal is free of charge for the companies.
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals in Finland for short or long term hire – please check out ever growing #GamesFactoryTalentBoard and please reach out for details! Also if you are #Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry feel free to apply!
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
Kimmo Halonen created a small chat group for game developers where developers coding etc. can ask advices and find people to help with testing. Send Kimmo a private message in Facebook to join the group.
- James Cramer would like to hear from experience and learnings from UA debt funding instruments.
- Csikós Márk shared his latest environment art animation, and is open to hear any kind of advice.
Other News
Drive Ahead! by Dodreams was Game of the Day on App store 1oth of February. The game is soon having its 6th anniversary and Dodreams is introducing the players a new way to become a master car gladiator. There is much more to come!
Hologram Monster is looking for new outsourcing assignments from AAA PC/Console graphics to mobile art and everything in between. Check out references and contact Tony Kihlberg via Facebook or by e-mail.
- JR Production shared a video – Night at the office
- wrote an article How Supercell continues to grow multi-billion dollar hit Clash Royale five-years on
- University of Jyväskylä has been planning and developing new curriculum for games (bachelor degree education) in international co-operation. If interested providing your sights and input, please see the ideas of new courses, and provide feedback. The materials for the courses will be finalised during summer and all the feedback and ideas are welcome. More context about the new curriculum here and more information about Game High Ed project (behind this new curriculum) here.
- Baltic Explorers helps game companies in tuning the product, preparing for the trade missions and might even pay company’s trip to gamescom, TGS or GDC eventually. Deadline for application is Feb 2oth.
- IGDA warns: “Large number of game studios are being currently targeted by hackers.”
- This week’s XR Nation Citizen’s Spotlight tells the story of their new member Marwon.
- Are you a game industry senior interested in fresh startups and willing to use some hours to give entrepreneurs a hand? Join LGIN’s mentor pool.
- Helsinki XR Center’s early stage VR/AR incubator is open for applications! Read more and apply here.
- Mike Laaksonen shared his hobby programming project – match between AI teams will take place Friday evening.