Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine the week 45/2016 from the Finnish Game Industry. Check out all the events, news and job openings!
Neogames’ latest report on the Finnish game industry 2015 & China Mobile Games Report
In this report we will combine the week 45/2016 from the Finnish Game Industry. Check out all the events, news and job openings!
Neogames’ latest report on the Finnish game industry 2015 & China Mobile Games Report
- 11th Nov. Start to the Finnish Game Week takes place when Peli Legacy runs a 48-hour long gaming marathon via Twitch. The event is scheduled to begin on 11th November 4pm and we shall be broadcasting until 13th 4pm.
- 11th Nov. The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) organizes in cooperation with the European Patent Office (EPO) a seminar on the “Grey Areas” of Computer Implemented Inventions
mallintamiseen perustuvia tuotteita. - 14th of Nov. IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub is organizing “The Concept of Art in Games” Exhibition @ Jyväskylä City Library.
- 17th Nov. Uusi Auttaa Vanhaa – Peli- ja teknologiatapahtuma senioreille / Oulu
- 18th to 20th of November Game Jam in Tampere! Sponsored by RAY!
- 18th of Nov. XmasJKL 2016 Game Industry seminar at Jyväskylä, Finland – Early Birds are ON! Get your tickets FAST to great game dev seminar at Jyväskylä, Finland 18th of Nov 2016 with great line up of speakers and people from the Game Industry. Early Birds are ON!
- 23rd-26th Nov. ReCon Blockchain developers bootcamp in Helsinki
- 25th- 27th November. Junction 2016 Helsinki
- November 28-29.2016 Nordic Brand Licensing Market Helsinki
- 30th Nov. side-event during Slush to mingle with fellow Dutchmen (and women)
- Nov 30 – Dec. 1st SLUSH Helsinki
- Oct 11, 2017. Finland 100Y goes Women in Tech 2017
See also The Game Industry Events calendar:
Open jobs:
- 700+ game companies in the Nordics to get an overview of game development jobs available right now. Currently 440 job openings in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway – browse through them at
- More jobs at
- Yhden napin kaksin-avaruusammuskelu Duelstar on nyt AppStoressa
- Happy Hobgoblin of Oulu Game LAB origin proudly presents: Nyheim – a post-pandemic digital board game of survival and rebuilding! Available in Google Play Store as well as iOS App Store.
- Neogames Finland is updating the Finnish Game company lists, inform us if you are not in the list
- Alienation by Housemarque is the TIGA Best Arcade Game’ Winner. Congratz!
- Oddrok‘s Power Hover got through the Greenlight
- Nyheim is now in STEAM Greenlight
- Lydia is in STEAM Greenlit
- Jälleen äänestetään vuoden pelikasvattajaa, eli myönteisen pelikulttuurin edistäjää. änestys päättyy keskiviikkona 16.11.2016 kello 23:59
- Critical Force Oy palkittiin Vuoden 2016 suomalaiseksi pelinkehittäjäksi.
Other News;
- Oululainen peliyhtiö yrittää valloittaa Lähi-Itää ja Pohjois-Afrikkaa – mobiilipelistä paikallisesti räätälöity erikoisversio
- Metropolia; Peleistä yrittäjyyttä, 30 op. haku päättyy Nov.13th
Erik Robertson is asking the Finnish opinions for Nordic Game Conference. - Gamefounders looking for new talents!
- The First Professor of Gamification in Pori
- Kainuu etukenossa virtuaalitodellisuuteen
- Suomen valokuvataiteen museo Producing the Darkroom Mansion mobile game
- TechNode (Chinese publisher of TechCrunch ) made a great article about Finnish companies making VR during SlushShanghai.
- Rockodile is the first game studio that joined rcp from Finland. Now they have their game in Humble Store, go get it while it’s -50%!
This is the weekly summary of news from the Finnish game industry. If you want to have your news on the list, post them on the Play Finland Facebook group. The summary will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out previous week’s list