Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine the week 15/2017 from the Finnish Game Industry. Check out all the events, news and job openings!
See also our monthly logbook to see what we are doing in Neogames.
- April 20th: RovioCon 2017! More info and registrations on:
- May 4-5th Entertainment Business Arena / Helsinki
- May 9th Games First 2017 / Helsinki Apply NOW
- May 17-19th Nordic Game Conference / Malmö.
- May 20th GameSound game music event in Jyväskylä
- June 13th Game Industry Breakfast by Aalto ENT / Helsinki
- Oct 11, 2017. Finland 100Y goes Women in Tech 2017
See also The Game Industry Events calendar:
Open jobs:
- 700+ game companies in the Nordics to get an overview of game development jobs available right now. Currently 440 job openings in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway – browse through them at
- More jobs at
- Game for the Hydraulic Press Channel on Android and iOS
- Iceflake Studios Oy Premium Pool Arena released on STEAM
- Easter patch for Drunk-Fu: Wasted Masters fixing a bunch of issues. Details & list of changes at the Steam-page!
- 5 More Minutes Ltd‘s Switch & Glitch, is available on Android and iOS
- PolarSpin Ltd‘s Space Force One is out for Android
- Finnish Game Awards nominees are out
- Finnish Games Industry Report 2016: Amidst moderate growth the Finnish gaming industry is in need of workforce expansions
- Suositut Hill Climb Racing -pelit säteilevät hyvää Ouluun: kaupunkiin syntyi 5 000 neliön pelikampus
- Remedyllä takana menestysvuosi – työn alla kaksi uutta peliä
- Peliyhtiö Remedy Entertainment Oy:n liikevaihto vuodelta 2016 oli 16,4M€, josta kasvua edelliseen vuoteen 19,4%. Liikevoitto oli 3,9M€. Vuoden 2016 erinomaiseen taloudelliseen kehitykseen vaikuttivat Quantum Break -pelin julkaisu keväällä 2016 ja Remedyn omistaman peliportfolion tuotot.
- OKM:n työryhmän uusi raportti jossa ehdotetaan mm. IP:n arvonmäärittelyn menetelmien kehittämistä (jolloin IP olisi kelpoinen esim. lainan takuuksi) ja Digidemon tyyppisen Pelidemon käynnistämistä. Molemmilla olisi toteutuessaan positiivinen vaikutus varsinkin pienempien peliyritysten rahoitusmahdollisuuksiin. Koko raportti luettavissa täältä.
- Virtual and augmented reality to boost Finland’s competitiveness – Team Finland Mixed Reality campaign to be launched. A total of EUR 30 million funding has been allocated to the Team Finland Mixed Reality campaign.
- Gumi Inc., a Japanese gaming company, set up a Nordic VR Startups accelerator in Helsinki in March. It provides funding, business premises and mentoring to startups.
- Seriously teases upcoming animation Best Fiends Boot Camp for May 2017 launch
- Shipyard Games raises $2.9 million from Clash Royale maker Supercell
- Finnish game company Nitro Games investigates the possibility of listing on Nasdaq First North Stockholm
- Transfluent acquires WordNerd
Other News;
- Lapin AMK ja Lapin yliopisto toteuttavat parhaillaan projektia, jossa kehitetään näiden oppilaitosten pelialan osaamista ja siihen liittyvää yhteistyötä. Järjestämme projektin puitteissa Rovaniemellä 11.5. klo 12-17 seminaarin, johon haemme nyt enintään viittä puhujaa.
- Opinnäytetyö; “Mobiilipelin ansaintamallit ja kannattavuuslaskelmat” luettavissa.
- “Pokemon GO is a great opportunity for us”: Shipyard talks Supercell funding and its location-based game ambitions
- Riptale will be released on STEAM on April 27th!
- Tormentor X Punisher Official Soundtrack Preview
- Small teaser for upcoming visual novel Panzer Hearts! A game filled with tanks,adventure & romance!
- Oceanhorn – The Adventure Video Game will debut the Game Play with Playable Demo in Nordic Game Conference.
- Next Xbox “Project Scorpio” tech & specs revealed and what they mean for game developers going forward. – Project Scorpio and its brand-new dev kit & Project Scorpio tech revealed
- Newly established game hub in Turku – The Hive, have the pleasure of inviting You and your studio to official opening party on May 30th from 18:00 o’clock at hub premises. You are kindly asked to register for free before 25.05.2017. More information can be found on our website. NOTE => THE SHIFT – business conference in Turku (31.05.-01.06.2017) will provide a special offer for game developers: 149€ = 2 DAY PROFESSIONAL PASS + 2 NIGHTS STAY (30.5.-1.6.) AT BORE HOSTEL* Use the code hive
- “Moomin Under Sail” game by Snowfall is shaping up for soft launch, here is some fresh in-game footage
- Housemarque holds a closed beta for our upcoming “Nex Machina”. Want to check out?
- Investing in Games returns to NG17
- Follow the development of Ctrl Alt Ninja’s first game Druidstone: The Secret of the Menhir Forest. &
- Ville Palin 33-vuotias säveltäjä, tuottaja ja muusikko Kalajoelta, on perustanut Score House yrityksen, joka tekee musiikkia tilauksesta digitaaliseen mediaan kuten peleihin, videoon, trailereihin jne. Kokemusta säveltämisestä, tuottamisesta sekä äänityöskentelystä myös kansainvälisellä tasolla.
- STATUS: INSANE Gameplay Trailer
- Planet Colonization Pre Alpha game play presentation
This is the weekly summary of news from the Finnish game industry. If you want to have your news on the list, post them on the Play Finland Facebook group. The summary will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out previous week’s list