Neogames Finland / NGI: "CHINA MOBILE GAMES MARKET 2016" report is out now!

The Chinese mobile game market has already bypassed the U.S. mobile game market with both the number of downloads and market revenue making it the most important game market on this planet. Considering all the platforms and devices Chinese market is the biggest in the world as well. Due to extreme growth and huge potential of the Chinese market, also Nordic Developers should map the new opportunities in China. However, until now most of the Nordic developers have been mainly focused on the Western markets and the Chinese mobile game market differs substantially from western ones.

The key to enter to and succeed in the Chinese mobile game market is to understand the differences and characteristics of operational environment in China. For that reason, Neogames Finland Assn. has conducted this study on Chinese market with support of the Nordic Game Institute. It describes the current situation (2014-2016) of the Chinese mobile game market, highlights the market’s special features and raises some of the most crucial challenges and possibilities.

Download and read our latest report: ChinaGamesMarketResearchUpdate
CHINA MOBILE GAMES MARKET white paper combines the study in one page.