New Report: The State of the European Game Industry And How to Unleash Its Full Potential



The state of the Europen game industry Cover

Published by EIT CULTURE & CREATIVITY, 2024.

Neogames Finland’s new report The State of the European Game Industry And How to Unleash Its Full Potential, commissioned by EIT KIC CCSI CLC NORTH and produced with the support of the European Games Developer Federation (EGDF), focuses on strategies for the European game industry to maintain its global market share.

Europe is a significant player in the global game market but faces challenges such as restricted distribution channels and the dominance of platforms from outside Europe. By 2030, the European game industry should aim to double its turnover to preserve its global market share. To maintain Europe’s competitive edge in the rapidly evolving gaming industry and achieve this ambitious target, innovation, leveraging research, and robust support from public authorities are required.

“If the European game industry wants to maintain its share of the global market, our industry turnover should be well over EUR 40 billion by 2030, more than twice its current size. This is a tough assignment, but the game industry is no stranger to challenges. However, we need some assistance to achieve this goal,” says Neogames Finland director KooPee Hiltunen. “Anything that helps us overcome the talent shortage, utilise disruptions in the global value chain, foster the startup scene, adapt the latest technologies and innovations to game development, or cooperate with other creative industries, would greatly help our cause.”

Download the full report: The State of the European Game Industry And How to Unleash Its Full Potential (PDF, 60 pages).