Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine the week 02/2017 (+little more from the Christmas break week too) from the Finnish Game Industry. Check out all the events, news and job openings!
Neogames Finland is updating the Finnish Game company lists, inform us if you are not in the list
- Pocket Gamer Connects London Jan 16th-17th
- Jan 17th Infotilaisuus Mediadesk Support for the Development of European Video Games tuesta klo 14.00 Suomen elokuvasäätiössä
- Jan. 20-22 Global Game Jam. Check the Finnish Game Jam locations
- Feb. 27th – Mar. 1st 2017 Game Connection America / San Francisco
- The opening of registration for Nordic Game 2017! The Christmas holidays are coming and in the spirit of giving, they’re offering 60% OFF on full conference passes purchased before 31 December
🙂And as a special “thank you” to the Play Finland group, the first ten passes bought using the bonus code below will receive a FREE Gala Dinner seat (normal price 500 SEK) on top of Christmas discount offer!
Here’s how to do it: A. Go to the Nordic Game 2017 registration page on B. Choose the “Christmas Special” pass C. Tick “I have a free Gala Dinner code” D. Find your Facebook group on the list, and insert “NG17PF7IS94NB3” as the code - Oct 11, 2017. Finland 100Y goes Women in Tech 2017
See also The Game Industry Events calendar:
Open jobs:
- Zynga is hiring for a number of positions across a variety of roles including Production, Programming, Art and Game Design to join our new Zynga team in Helsinki! Find out more and apply here.
- CEEDCO, is a Helsinki based design company and are currently hiring a creatively minded and talented graphic design intern (paid internship, 4 months) with a playful approach to doing things, to join our young and small startup team!
- Intopalo is looking for Unity developer to Tampere DL. Jan 15th
- Idean is recruiting a Lead UI Developer to join their quest to turn impeccable service design into emotionally engaging user interfaces and save the world from crappy UX.
- Unity is looking for a PM who knows f2p & liveops side of mobile games development.
- Time for the next step in your game industry career?
Frogmind is (always) looking for awesome, talented people destined to do great things! - Two Men and a Dog is hiring! Come to work on brand new projects following the success of Zombie Catchers. Check open positions here
- Frozenbyte is looking for programmers, designers and QA to join our team.
- 700+ game companies in the Nordics to get an overview of game development jobs available right now. Currently 440 job openings in Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway – browse through them at
- More jobs at
- Ikoni Innovations releases Denny The Tooth for Android & iOS
- Part Time Monkey releases Breakout Ninja on iOS
- Areena-pelit released their first game Cowboy James; Episode 1 @ Android
- Rieha Creative‘s Ookujira is now available for Android!
- Kiemura’s latest game Hovercrash is out now on iOS App Store! Fast anti-gravity vehicles, colourful visuals and pumping soundtrack included!
- Kamina Dimension releases early access version of Grab the Bottle on steam!
- Redlynx / Ubisoft releases Drawrace 3 on Android
- Sonja Ängeslevä is the new Chairman of Neogames Finland board
- Mariina Hallikainen is the new Chairman of Suomen Pelinkehittäjät Ry (Finnish Game Companies Association)
- We have updated the list of Finnish Game Developers in our website. Let us know if/when there are still game companies missing. It is also quite likely that the categories need adjustment. Please comment directly to this post or send me an email: suvi(at)neogamesDOTfi.
- INSANE has just entered Steam Greenlight!
- eEemeli: vuoden paras digitaalinen oppimisratkaisu on taas haussa! Tänä vuonna etsitään liikuttavia, innovatiivisia ja sekä sisällöltään että toiminnallisuudeltaan laadukkaita oppimista edistäviä tuotteita ja palveluita teemalla Liikuta & koukuta. Ilmoittautuminen on käynnissä 12.2.2017 saakka
- Avauksia suomalaisen pelihistorian laajaan kirjoon; YLISTETYT, RAKASTETUT, PAHEKSUTUT, UNOHDETUT kirja on julkaistu
- Bad Crane + Fingersoft co-op release Make More has only 5 million downloads. Make more!
- The Finnish games industry is not limited to just video and mobile games. Stalker RPG will soon be available in three languages, Finnish, English and in a lavishly re-edited French version
- Check out all the #FGJ17 / Global Game Jam sites in Finland and register!.
- Housemarque: Nex Machina and the Art of Gameplay
- The Game Executive program has been postponed from April till October. The exact dates are Oct 18-25, 2017. Deadline to register is Sep 20th > Next April 5-12.2017
- Mediadesk Support for the Development of European Video Games is available. Apply by March 2nd 2017. Infotilaisuus tuesta 17.1.2017 klo 14.00 Suomen elokuvasäätiössä
Other News;
- Zynga hiring for new Helsinki development studio headed by former EA Tracktwenty execs
- Those who has not responded (or been interviewed) yet, Neogames Finland conducts Finnish Game Industry Report in cooperation with Suomen Pelinkehittäjät Ry (Finnish Game Companies Association), Tekes and Invest in Finland. This survey estimates the current state, growth and the future of the Finnish Game Industry. Regarding to this survey we kindly ask you to fill our questionnaire in the link below by 16.01.2017
- Handful of ex-Fiksu emps started a new mobile ad tracking and attribution business on freemium model, They are looking for feedback for our beta.
- The Game Makers podcast is now on iTunes! It’s a podcast unveiling stories about entrepreneurship in the gaming industry. The chats with Tuomas Erikoinen, Lauri Jarvilehto and Antti Kolehmainen are already available. They would love to get your feedback and advice either as a review or as a PM Laura Guti Maza, you can listen to it here and if you like it please spare the love, and don’t forget to subscribe.
- Pelialalla pomoista tuli innostajia, ja sieltä ilmiö leviää muualle – ”On ymmärretty, että tieto, osaaminen ja älykkyys eivät sijaitse ensisijaisesti johtoportaassa”
- Dan Pearson from interviewed us at Slush 2016
- Six games in six weeks: Why Nitro Games has dedicated itself to ‘super fast failing’
- Here’s an article about some of the important things Fingersoft have been taking into consideration while developing Hill Climb Racing 2 and updates for the original HCR.
- Software Engineering research team is still collecting more answers to our online survey on the software processes and software testing tools on any types of software industry, games and gamified services included.
- The latest trailer of Urban Empire.
- Clash Royale and Critical Ops at the list; DN Reviews; The Top 15 Mobile Games of 2016
- Darkroom Mansion is looking for iOS beta testers aged 10-99!
- Suomalainen teki uuden pelin VIC-20-tietokoneelle – Mika ”Misfit” Keränen haastattelussa
- Anton Temba is offering game design help and answering game design questions for free.
- Help to fund Two Tales Games’ epic sci-fi adventure; Fracture fall.
- The latest opinion on REBORN new game Urban Empire. The game is out in roughly few weeks
- is there a need for a proper union in the gaming industry to defend workers’ rights? The game industry’s disposable workers
- Nash Racing has been voted to STEAM GREENLIT
- Mikrobitti: Pelaaminen on paljon isompi bisnes kuin mitä luullaan – liki 100 miljardin dollarin liikevaihto
- Evocat Games / Kajak Games’ Nemesis Perspective is to take their place in the Finnish VR scene by launching in STEAM right before Christmas.
- Pilot episode of Devs series is out. Devs is a webseries about game development. Who are the people behind the games and what’s the everyday life in companies. Games industry is full of stories and usually only the big ones grab all the attention but we like to hear out about the smaller ones as well. We dive into the roots of the development and tell the untold stories, good ones and bad.
- Helsinki based Cohu Experience and Space Nation are in Forbes list of 10 most interesting European companies at 2017.
- Suomen e-urheilun eettinen ohjeisto julkaistu!
- Lekabros is doing a game development video series where we cover technical and artistic aspects of game development and share all our experiences and lessons! Subscribe to their channel for free videos every week here.
This is the weekly summary of news from the Finnish game industry. If you want to have your news on the list, post them on the Play Finland Facebook group. The summary will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out previous week’s list