Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine weeks 35/2019 from the Finnish Game Industry.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 3D-kulttuurihubi’s consulting sessions / 3D-hubin neuvonnat syksyllä 2019
- 10 September 2019 from 13:00-16:00 Teknologia hankintana (Asiantuntijat Helsingissä) / Technology as an acquisition (Experts in Helsinki)
- 24 September 2019 from 13:00-16:00 Palvelujen pelillistäminen (Asiantuntija Turussa) / Services gamification (Expert in Turku)
- 8 October 2019 from 13:00-16:00 AR-markkinointi (Asiantuntija Helsingissä) / AR-marketing (Expert in Helsinki)
- 10 September IGDA Helsinki Gathering w/ Aalto ENT & Game Makers of Finland
- 17th September: Games UR/UX Finland Meet Up
- 27th September Xmasjkl – The Finnish Game Industry Seminar / Jyväskylä. First speaker announcement is out! CEO and co-founder of Quicksave Elina Arponen
- 28th September IT and GAMES job Fair in Kiev
- September 30th Leadership Day by IGDA FInland / Helsinki
- 1st-2nd Oct Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki.
- 17th October Konsoll 2019 / Bergen Norway
- Oct 26th DevCon 2 Tampere
- 29th-31st October Game Connection Europe 2019 / Paris
- 14th-15th November YSÄRI GAME JAM! if you are interested ping Licia Prehn
- 15th November W
Games Conference 2019
- First speaker announced: Sophie VO
- Second speaker announced: Gabriele Aimone
- first keynote speaker: Ekaterina Dolgova from Redhill Games
- 19th November; Press Start invites 1,000 game developers to the Cable Factory for a free kick-off to the Slush Week.
- No middleware, no service providers – just games. Attendance is free and by application only. Apply here
- Learn from industry veterans, connect with peers, get a glimpse into some up-and-coming games and meet a pool of investors. And let’s not forget the after-party.
- The first speakers and open applications to the event will be released in August.
- You will also have an opportunity to submit your game to be showcased on stage.
See also The Game Industry Events calendar:
Neogames is creating a tool for the city of Helsinki summarising all key games industry related events in Helsinki
Open jobs & Recruitment
- Playmore games is looking for talented React Developer with a passion for Board Games.
- Veikkaus is looking for Game Artist
- Kopla Games is looking for Product Manager
- Get your self matched in Game Factory Talents. Find your place in the Finnish Games Industry
- Games Factory Talents have introduced a new platform to make your talent visible for the game studios. They are building a community of developers to showcase, making it easier for the game studios to find the talent they need.
- “Instead of building a platform only for job seeking game industry professionals, we wanted a platform where the game studios could come and meet the talent even before they start the long and expensive process of advertising an open job position. Our Talent Board features industry professionals from all levels of experience to most of the various positions studios might be looking to fill”, explains Kim Bäckroos, CEO of the newly formed Games Factory Talents.
- New talent is being added to the Talent Board constantly, and Games Factory Talents are inviting all industry professionals and game studios to take part. Head over Games Factory Talents to look at the talent and job positions available and make yourself visible for the hiring studios.Follow Games Factory Talents on social media for the latest news and information on any upcoming talent acquisition events.
- Jobs in Games: Rovio’s Heini Kaihu on how to get a job as head of studio.
- if people are interested in taking part in ‘Jobs in Games’ series feel free to get in touch with Craig Chapple!
- Curious on how to enter the Games Industry? Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
- Remedy releases Control with great reviews
- Playtika acquired Best Fiends mobile game publisher Seriously
- Taas uusi jättikauppa Suomen pelialalla: Israelilainen pelijätti ostaa suomalaisen Seriouslyn
- Seriously saa voimaa komeasta yrityskaupasta jota koko ala jo odotti – Kuinka israelilaisten datamurskaajien kulttuuri sopii luovalle brändille?
- Building “Seriously” lasting entertainment franchises directly with consumers
Kim Soares asks recommendation for ad network for a F2P mobile game that would mainly use rewarded ads.
Jasmin Dahncke asks proposions for speakers to next UR/US meetups
Other News;
- Nolla Games Noita is coming to Early Access September 24!
- Futureplay: We blew our brand marketing budget on influencers
- Community’s opinion on education and training in the Game industry want to be hear for the IGDA Finland Helsinki Hub September seminar. Is it necessary to go through a training program during your career in the industry? What are the biggest questions regarding education and training in Finland? What is your experience with training and workshops in the industry? Use the linked questionnaire to ask any question you would like to address to our panelists and it may be featured in the panel on the 10th of September. Answer the questionnaire
- MindSeize is now on Kickstarter
- After 3 years of The HIVE – Turku Game Hub operations in South-West Finland and developing game business in Turku thanks to amazing collaboration with Turun Teknologiakiinteistöt more is coming: cooperation and partnership will continue for another 3 years and welcome new teams to join!
- Office space at Digi & Game Center, Jyväskylä, Central Finland, at Matarankatu with reasonable price.
- Tampere Game Incubator, a 10 week course for game business featuring mentors like Kalle Kaivola and Harri Manninen. The course is free but spots are limited, so sign up here if you are a small game team or company in Tampere.
3 weeks until the registration for the Game Executive Bootcamp in Finland will be closed. Currently, they have participants from Spain, Portugal, Finland, Ireland, Canada, Iran, Slovenia, and the Netherlands. Check the key instructors and speakers and register.
- Bugbear/THQ Nordic; Wreckfest – Console Release Trailer
- FakeFish’s Barotrauma’s first major update after early access launch is here!
- IMGA China 2019 awards at China Joy with speakers from companies like Tencent, Xiaomi, China Mobile, Mobvista, Oppo, Superscale, HTC Vive, etc. and number of talented Chinese developers and previous years’ IMGA China winners.
- Elite Game Developers podcast: Setting Expectations As A Games Entrepreneur with Antti Hattara Co-Founder and CEO of Starberry Games
- Supercell teases a brand new mobile game call Rush Wars that’s set to head into soft launch as soon as Monday, August 26th.
- Virtuaverse, cyberpunk point-and-click adventure with a Finnish publisher.
This is the weekly summary of news from the Finnish game industry. If you want to have your news on the list, post them on the Play Finland Facebook group. The summary will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out previous week’s list.