Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine weeks 44/2019 from the Finnish Game Industry.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 5th November The Finland Unity User Group is visiting Unity Helsinki
- November 13th UE4 Beginner’s Workshop – Build your own game! / Helsinki
Ravintola Maxine Helsinki
- 14th – 17th of November, G-Star Global Gaming Exhibition in Busan / South Korea.
Business Finland will participate in the event with a focus on talent attraction. To find candidates in the Gaming sector with innovative skills and professional background, BF invites Finnish interested in the gaming industry or in business opportunities to join the #FinlandWorks booth or by having Business Finland represent, the open positions at the booth and connect the candidates with the companies. For further information and job postings, please contact Regina Ainla, Talent Boost Coordinator: +358 40 939154
- 15th November W
Games Conference 2019
- Speakers;
- Sophie VO
- Gabriele Aimone
- Ekaterina Dolgova from Redhill Games
- Nikolina Zidar talking about her work in making most unique game studio in Finland!
- Anna Salomaa from Resistance Games
- Rebekka Muntola from PlayStack
- Anu from Housemarque
- Osama Dorias from WB Games Montreal
- Jani Kahrama from Secret Exit!
- Karoliina Korppoo from 10th Muse
- Regina Lindström will host “Lego Serious Play workshop: Impostor Syndrome”
- Speakers;
- 16-17th November Aalto university agreed to hosts Theme Park. A digital art rally!
- 19th November; Press Start invites 1,000 game developers to the Cable Factory for a free kick-off to the Slush Week.
- No middleware, no service providers – just games. Attendance is free and by application only. Apply here
- Learn from industry veterans, connect with peers, get a glimpse into some up-and-coming games and meet a pool of investors. And let’s not forget the after-party.
- The first speakers and open applications to the event will be released in August.
- applications opened up for live demo showcase at Press Start. This time you can forget your presentations – it’s all about playing live!
- if you are coming to Press Start – Kickoff Event by Slush and want to share it, attend to the fb event on the link.
- 16th Dec. IGDA Lahti Christmas Gathering / Lahti
See also The Game Industry Events calendar:
Neogames is creating a tool for the city of Helsinki summarising all key games industry related events in Helsinki
Open jobs & Recruitment
- Games Factory Talents have introduced a new platform to make your talent visible for the game studios. They are building a community of developers to showcase, making it easier for the game studios to find the talent they need.
- “Instead of building a platform only for job seeking game industry professionals, we wanted a platform where the game studios could come and meet the talent even before they start the long and expensive process of advertising an open job position. Our Talent Board features industry professionals from all levels of experience to most of the various positions studios might be looking to fill”, explains Kim Bäckroos, CEO of the newly formed Games Factory Talents.
- New talent is being added to the Talent Board constantly, and Games Factory Talents are inviting all industry professionals and game studios to take part. Head over Games Factory Talents to look at the talent and job positions available and make yourself visible for the hiring studios.Follow Games Factory Talents on social media for the latest news and information on any upcoming talent acquisition events.
- Jobs in Games: Rovio’s Heini Kaihu on how to get a job as head of studio.
- if people are interested in taking part in ‘Jobs in Games’ series feel free to get in touch with Craig Chapple!
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
- Tiny Bots fysiikkapeli löytyy nyt Suomen App Storesta!
- Meizi Games relesed Hoppu! in Google Play
- Darr von Lehmann asks if anybody know of any good (smaller) institutions of higher education in Finland that have new programs in game design? He wants to set-up a few small yearly grants for undergraduate students pursuing a career in game design.
Other News;
- EGD 027: Find Your Voice with Jeferson Valadares Co-Founder and CEO Doppio
- EGD 026: Pitching Your Games Company with Matteo Vallone Principal at Initial Capital
- Self-driving off-road AI cars (and player) having fun exoplanet driftin’ while AI controlled NPCs build colony in Planetrism.
- Bouncer Story from Helmi Games featured in an article at /
Bouncer Storystä juttu, mukana myös Suomen pelimuseossa tehty haastattelu, jossa lyhykäisesti keskusteltiin sekä firmasta että Bouncerin tekemisestä. - Void of Heroes – Mech FPS is available on Steam – Early Access
- GCM Podcast; Maria Maunula: How To Keep Your Community Engaged, Giving Back, And Asking For More
- Pelin paikka LIVE: Avaruusaiheiset Scifipelit
- Suomen Yrittäjien Kasvuyrittäjäverkosto järjestää tammikuussa 2020 alkavan vuoden mittaisen valmennus- ja kehitysohjelman, jonka tavoitteena on luoda valmiuksia pk-yritysten listautumiseen Nasdaq First North Growth Market -kasvumarkkinalle.
- Project: Longtail; Kurpitsajuhla pian! Happy Halloween!
- Finnish Article in Kauppalehti behind paywall; In business media the attention is usually focused on super growth and big acquisitions. I wanted to write about Frozenbyte and Redlynx that produce quality games, are among corner stones in Finnish games industry and employ a lot of people. I also listed 10 biggest employers in the industry. About RedLynx and the list here
- Mike Pohjola wrote a column about how games should be treated as culture, not just business or tech. And how they’re actually the most widely known product of Finnish culture today. (The column is in Finnish.) Hesarin pääkirjoitussivulla lainataan muissa lehdissä olleita juttuja, yleensä tyyliin budjettiin tai soteen tai tällaiseen liittyviä asioita. Tänään nostettiin Mike Pohjola tuoretta kolumnia (Mike Pohjola: Angry Birds, aikamme Taistelevat metsot), jossa toivotaan, että pelejä kohdeltaisiin myös kulttuurina eikä vain bisneksenä tai teknologiana.
- Fourth consecutive year with over 30 million euro in revenue – outside the stock market Next Games would be a fine enough game studio (article in Finnish) /
This is the weekly summary of news from the Finnish game industry. If you want to have your news on the list, post them on the Play Finland Facebook group. The summary will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out previous week’s list.