Weekly News 11/24

Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter

In this report we will combine highlights from week 11/2024 in the Finnish Game Industry. This bulletin is posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.

News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.

Best Regards,
Neogames Finland

👉 Events:

See also The Game Industry Events calendar 📆 Game Conference Guide Calendar 📆Flemish Game association calendar & Game Industry Biz

📢 Big News:

  • The Neogames team has started working on a new project called #Gamebadges – a huge task with a wide scope, focusing on recognizing skills needed in game development professions. We will be sharing news of the project as we progress.
  • In related news, the Gamebadges project lead Metropolia University of Applied Sciences would like to invite you to participate in a survey aimed at mapping the current state and update needs of the Game Industry-specific Competence Map. If you are a game educator or game industry professional ( indies included ), your input and opinions are highly appreciated! 📆 Deadline for replies is 25.3.: https://elomake.metropolia.fi/lomakkeet/41780/lomakkeet.html

📝 Open jobs & Recruitment:

💰 Funding:

📃 Other News