Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine weeks 18-19/2023 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 23rd – 26th May Nordic Game Conference in Malmö and online
- 27th May IGDA Finland celebrates its 20th birthday
- 8th June Games First Helsinki. Click this link
- 12th-13th October W Love Games free tickets available
See also The Game Industry Events calendar Game Conference Guide Calendar
Flemish Game association calendar & Game Industry Biz
The Finnish Game Awards 2023 were celebrated last week on Thursday 4th May at Vanha Ylioppilastalo in Helsinki.
Big Screen Game of the Year 2022: Undead Horde 2: Necropolis / 10tons
Creative Achievement of the Year 2022: Skábma – Snowfall / Red Stage Entertainment
Lifetime Achievement Award: KooPee Hiltunen / Neogames Finland
Power Player of the Year 2022: Veli-Pekka Piirainen / Critical Force
Rookie of the Year 2022: One Trick Entertainment
IGDA Finland Volunteer of the Year 2022: Ren Soharab
Finnish Game Jam’s Jampion of the Year 2022: Olli Juhola
Pelimetsä CO2 footprint (beta) calculator was announced at the Finnish Game Awards, and is now available.
- Helsinki-based Phantom Gamelabs raised a seed round from Supercell to shape the future looter shooter games.
- Cosmic Lounge just closed our €4M seed funding round and have now multiple roles open in Helsinki!
Open jobs & Recruitment:
- Markus Lappalainen is a composer looking for job opportunities
- Helsinki-based Phantom Gamelabs has open positions on
- Cosmic Lounge has multiple roles open in Helsinki! Join them in crafting stellar puzzle games with their AI enhanced Puzzle Engine tech
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals for short- or long-term hire – please check out the anonymous GameDevTalents board with screened and pre-interviewed talents ranging from mid to senior levels of experience and open to career opportunities. Feel free to reach out for details! And if you are Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry, feel free to apply Additionally, here is an anonymous list of talents who joined our Games Job Fair event and are open to career opportunities. If you want to see someone’s full profile, please feel free to reach out with the Contact button, so that they reach out to the talent for their consent. In your email please specify the project and/or position you are hiring for. A job description would be ideal.
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
- Uratarinoita, erilaisista ihmisistä / mostly in Finnish, but few different career stories in English too
- Elina Lappalainen asks if you know gamers in Russia, please share! Helsingin Sanomat decided to build a map of a war-torn Slavic city in Counter-Strike. Within the map, a secret room was constructed where Russian players could find information in Russian, relayed by Helsingin Sanomat’s war correspondents in Ukraine.
- Albert Van Zyl asks about common practices regarding revenue share with publishers
New releases
Other News
- The Gangland update for Voltage High Society is now live on Steam by Platonic Partnership Oy
- Doomblade will be released on Steam at May 31st
- Digi & Game Center and Peliosuuskunta Expa (Expa Game Business Co-operative) partner YAHAHA is looking
for game creators to join their latest Partnered Creator Program. They are looking for creators who:
Have published at least one game in the past
Are willing to provide feedback about YAHAHA studio
Have established social media channels and will share your journey with YAHAHA on themThey offer:
Cash incentives (up to $1,000 for monthly-based cooperation and $2,000 for project-based cooperation)
Media resources to promote your work
Exclusive events and networking opportunities, including participating in conferences and meetups with YAHAHAIf you are interested, apply by filling in the application form:
- Virtual Hunter released a new Trophy Lodge update
- Vitali Kirpu is working with a new title: IAH: INVISIBLE WAR, a fantasy survival RTS rogue-lite game about hackers, pc users, and the fictional internet of 2048. The game demo will be available this Summer at Steam, and in 2024 the game will see full release alongside the algorithmic eSports, sandbox module, and other stuff.
Better Games Together strives to take meaningful actions to support the LGBTQIA+ community and to move towards a more diverse and inclusive game industry. Read more about our collaboration with Helsinki Pride here
- Pixel Piracy is still a thing and It is still being updated
- Get a job by playing (Pelaten Duuniin) project by Jamk University of Applied Sciences
develops new kind of digi gaming and e-sports practices to support young people outside of work life - Rovio and Sega hold a press conference regarding to Sega’s offer (Article in Finnish)
- Unconscious Biases are hidden notions and mental shortcuts that drive our actions. While bias is a part of human brain function, it can often lead to harmful and exclusive outcomes in work environments. Come learn more about Unconscious Biases in this training May 11th organised by deidei for WiGFi! You can participate either in-person or online.
- Ragnorium from Suomi is part of the 2022 Devolver Digital Publisher Bundle.
- Nordic Game has warming up event online via Game Jam. This time there is two themes a) Accent or b) Save the Forest
An office space of 34m2 is available at the shared office of Playsome Oy and Metaplay Oy. The office is situated in the 4th floor of Kampintorni, Urho Kekkosen katu. You can configure 6-8 desks into the space.Size: 34 m2
Price: 2000€/kk (incl VAT 24%) 40 157 7165