Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine week 33/2021 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 25th August: “Get your Unity project on to Huawei AppGallery using the new Unity Plugin 2.0”
- 9th September LGIN; An investor’s view on pitching with Mika Reini
- 10th September BSGI – Mentor Workshop (part of Baltic Sea Game Incubation program!)
- 16th September AWE Nite Northern XR: AR on Location
- 24th September Finnish Developer Showcase; online event for PC & Console developers aiming to Japan market
- Apply for to pitch by August 26th, 2021.
- 27th September Leadership Day by IGDA Finland
- 28th Sept – 1st Oct PGC Helsinki 2021
- 14-15th October W Love Games
- SUBMIT A TALK there is still time to send your proposals for a talk / panel / workshop, as this year it will be two-days event with multiple tracks
The recorded sessions from W
Games 2020 are now available on website
See also The Game Industry Events calendar Game Conference Guide Calendar
Flemish Game association calendar
- 24th September Finnish Developer Showcase; online event for PC & Console developers aiming to Japan market. Deadline for apply is 26th August
- G-Mode (Japan) & room6 in addition to Marvelous Europe and Japan as publishers already on the event and more are coming.
- Metacore’s Merge Mansion closes in on $40 million revenue
- Remedy has published its financial results for the first half of 2021, and reported a slight 3.3% increase in revenue to reach €17.5 million
- Reports of Rovio and Next Games can be found behind the links
- Rovio scraps casual strategy title Hardhead Squad
Open jobs & Recruitment:
- Check the great tips (by playfinland community) for job seeking under discussion headline
- Nitro Games is looking for QA manager
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals for short- or long-term hire – please check out the anonymous GameDevTalents board with screened and pre-interviewed talents ranging from mid to senior levels of experience and open to career opportunities. Feel free to reach out for details! And if you are Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry, feel free to apply
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
New releases
Next Games‘ Stranger Things: Puzzle Tales is live in Finland! Download and play
- Andreea Sava is asking on behalf of EGDF what could be ten good reasons to invest in Finland on iOS & Android
- Saku Vesamäki asks how could they proceed while looking for a job. They most confident skills are in programming with C-Sharp in Unity, more specifically mechanics in 3D Space. But Saku has also solid skills in sounds and music.
- Jani Pääjärvi gave some excellent tips with a help of (Ville Sorsa, the audio lead of Control):
some tips on demonstrating audio stuff/skillz:Sound effects:– The best way to demonstrate your skills in this, is to grab an existing game trailer, and re-create all the audio effects in it, then make a video out of the result.– Of course if you have your own game, you can grab videos out of that as well – but laying your stuff on top of existing trailer is a good, condensed way of expressing who you are as a sound effect artist.Composing/music:– In games, music is very much composed for certain needs in the game, to boost certain emotions that the developers want to convey to the player.So, yes you can demo a piece of music, but it would be better to demo a piece of music that would fit that particular game, or that particular phase in the game– (Tip from Jani) So eg. choose an existing trailer, or gameplay video that you’d think your music would fit, and replace your music to that video. It’s very quick to evaluate then if the music “makes the video better” or not.– Also good to understand, that out of 10 audio guys in the game development, maybe one is a music composer, and 9 are sound effect artists. So getting a game music composer job is way harder, than getting into effects.Overall:– Portfolio in the web would be good. “Show the best pieces you’ve done, and explain a bit about the process of getting there.Screenshots are good, videos are great. Sounds like you might have a small game demo already available to grab those shots, or if not – maybe finalize one from your game – then grab shots to show what you can pull off.”+ “People may disagree, but for me one finished game, no matter how small, proves more than 20 unfinished ones. Same with other pieces, them being art or story or music or whatever.”– Ville shares my opinion that one should share fewer, but good pieces to demonstrate the skills. One finished piece is better that 20 unfinished ones – even if being a short one.– The length of stuff to show can/should be short.No need to do a 5 minute long trailer or song – 30-60 seconds should be enough to grab ones attention – if it’s good stuff, it will spark interest during that time.
- Joni Finne also recommended portfolio on website about the work done. Joni reminded that game play videos are always good. And education/degree is also good idea.
- Emmi Hattunen is adding to the gameplay videos this: “If you want to separately showcase your music skills one idea could be to remake a song or a theme that happens in a part of the game and replace the original music with your remake. But like I said just an idea I wanted to put out there. Also game jams are always golden for developing skills and getting even more portfolio material:”
- Janne Matias Joensuu reminds about the importance of networks; “If you knew the right people, you’d already know who to ask for guidance, or would’ve seen someone talk about these types of things in an online platform or in a face-to-face situation. Lack of networking was one of the things holding me back when I was in a similar situation.
The trick to networking is that you should get to know people first, and then see if there are opportunities to help or receive help later, instead of trying to get to know people with the intention of asking them for help ASAP. So look for spaces and events where you get to know game industry people, and perhaps help others out, and worry about the rest later. There are local IGDA events. Some are held in physical locations, but in these times many are held online. Volunteering to help with events can be a good way to network.Game jams and student projects are another great way to meet people. Look up game jams, and join them if you have the chance. Alternatively, find schools that have game development programs, and contact them to ask if they 1) have ongoing student projects that 2) don’t have any music yet. Then find a student game project you like and make some music etc for it.” Janne also reminds that there are mentorship events and programs, which are specifically organized so that people interested in joining the industry can get advice and feedback.
- Jani Pääjärvi gave some excellent tips with a help of (Ville Sorsa, the audio lead of Control):
Other News
- People with disabilities make up 15% of the world’s population, and by some estimates 25% of people who play video games. This is why accessible and inclusive games and employment opportunities are essential!
- Living Game Intelligence Network shared a story about one of the fist teams (Lunarbyte) of their network and how by time, they grew out of the Farm League, they decided to go for a new vision and set up a new company, Skunkworks Games.
Stanislav Stanković writes a blog about structuring players’ time in games as a service. This is a fundamental difference between premium and free-to-play games. Understanding this is essential.
- Elina Lappalainen writes at Helsingin Sanomat about the The financials of Rovio, Remedy and Next Games in Q2 (article only in Finnish and behind the paywall).