Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine week 40/2021 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 14-15th October W Love Games (online)
- there is SHOWROOM, where you can present your teams and projects you have been working on! The booths are FREE of charge, same as the event
- Check the updates on this year’s program!
- 20-21st October Green Games Summit online
- 20th-24th October KOR-FIN Special Game Week 2021
- 27-29th October Nordic Game Talents | Recruitment & Career Building
See also The Game Industry Events calendar Game Conference Guide Calendar
Flemish Game association calendar
Open jobs & Recruitment:
- Mainframe have lots of open positions:
- Quarantine Studios Oy is looking for a developer/technical artist who is familiar with Unreal Engine 4.
Check the full job posting here(PDF)
- Apply to join Supercell’s Level Up Program. Program brings together a team of six members. Apply by October 10th.
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals for short- or long-term hire – please check out the anonymous GameDevTalents board with screened and pre-interviewed talents ranging from mid to senior levels of experience and open to career opportunities. Feel free to reach out for details! And if you are Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry, feel free to apply
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
Jaakko Kemppainen is looking for open minded game designers and other game people who would like to participate in cross-disciplinary workshops / idea jams, together with artist from other fields.
Other News
- Supercell and 100 Finnish start-up companies founded new community aiming to have world’s best ecosystem. (Article only in Finnish)
- Harro Grönberg and Konsta Klemettti interviewed Finland’s foremost game designers and they share their philosophies and talk about game making inspiration. Book is finally available in English (previously available in Korean and Russian) on Amazon.
Zynga just announced today the launch date for #FarmVille3, a new Farm/Builder game in a franchise that many have played and still remember today. The game was developed by Zynga’s studio here in
Helsinki and I’m so glad to be part of this project!
- Baltic Explorers have open BATCH #2 for all those who want to boost their games to new markets. Application is now
- Games Now lectures and game jams of 2021-22 are announced. These are always open for everyone: streams, jams,their Discord server activities. Do not hesitate to join! You do not need to be a student (we are all students of life!), but there are also handful of schools that give credits from GN! activities (Kajaani, Lapland, Mediastadi, TAMK, Tuni, Utu, Vaasa!!).
Also these beautiful experts are featured this year: Harry Krueger, Heini Kaihu, Petri Ikonen, Jaakko Kemppainen, Chris James, Wolf Lang, Jukio Kallio, Daniel Hagström, Kati Alha, Marjaana Auranen, Mikko Heinonen. And of course me and my lovely co-host Solip Park! All this straight from Aalto University (and powered by Aalto Studios).
- Next Games’ second Game Developer Academy kicked off 4 October