Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine week 45/2023 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 10th November XmasJKL – The Finnish Game Industry Business Seminar in Jyväskylä
- 10th November Game Business Loves Product! Publisher Business Model from Developers perspective by Mika Reini / Open Creative House Oy / Helsinki +STREAM
- 14th IGDA Helsinki November meetup
- 14th November Unreal meetup / Tampere
- 23rd November NON-TOXIC seminar /Helsinki
- 23rd November The Unreal Engine Finland Meetup Group visiting Housemarque
- 28-29 November Nordic Game Conference Helsinki
- To get a pass with half-price, act now! Last chance: NG23 Helsinki half-price offer ends 13th October!,
- 29th November Match XR
- 30th Nov.-1st Dec. SLUSH
- 7th February Over 7 Hills 2023 / Turku
See also The Game Industry Events calendar Game Conference Guide Calendar
Flemish Game association calendar & Game Industry Biz
- Noice raises $21M for multiplayer game and livestreaming platform
- Nitro Games has signed approx. 9M EUR Game Development and Publishing Agreement with Netflix for an unannounced game project.
Open jobs & Recruitment:
Open position for Game Development teacher at Sataedu Nakkila (asap, remote, in Finnish).They’re looking for someone to take over the AT program (ammattitutkinto), and potentially in the future PT (perustutkinto, on-site). The work involves a couple full teaching days per month, so it’s not a full-time involvement. The teaching is mainly Unity-oriented, but other platforms are used as well. contac Violeta Ivanova for more information
- If you are a Facebook user and looking for jobs in gaming in Finland, make sure to follow Pelialan työpaikat Suomessa Facebook group hosted by Finnish employment agency Duunitori. Open positions tagged to game industry are shared in the group automatically. We are in no way affiliated with Duunitori, but wanted to point out this resource as another good way to check out open positions.
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals for short- or long-term hire – please check out the anonymous GameDevTalents board with screened and pre-interviewed talents ranging from mid to senior levels of experience and open to career opportunities. Feel free to reach out for details! And if you are Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry, feel free to apply Additionally, here is an anonymous list of talents who joined our Games Job Fair event and are open to career opportunities. If you want to see someone’s full profile, please feel free to reach out with the Contact button, so that they reach out to the talent for their consent. In your email please specify the project and/or position you are hiring for. A job description would be ideal.
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
- Uratarinoita, erilaisista ihmisistä / mostly in Finnish, but few different career stories in English too
New releases
- Animal Arena (by:Jussi Simpanen) has been released for mobile devices
Other News
- Finnish game studios were creating millionaires again. (article in Finnish)
- Game Poems by Jordan Magnuson @ Kumma Gallery (Kankurinkatu 5, Helsinki 6th-20th Nov, Mon-Fri 14-16. )
- This week is your last chance to get your game jam story included into the “Finnish Game Jam Stories” exhibition, which will be opening on the 8th of December at the Finnish Museum of Games.
- Antti Tiihonen, who has worked on games that take place in creepy underground caverns, Legend of Grimrock and Noita, and have been huge successes. Now Antti is eager to find out if the formula still works with The Crevice! It’s a roguelite focusing on exploration, survival and fun physics.
- Jasmin Dahncke and Emma Varjo will be giving UX talks at the next IGDA Finland event this upcoming Tuesday
See you there
- GamiFIN 2024 CALL FOR PAPERS deadline is 19th November
- Supercell is part of this year’s GYAAR Studio Indie Game Contest as a supporter
- Excellent talks at GamesNow! this week:Jussi Kemppainen – Generative AI in Game Development, Max Wikström & Mike Pohjola – Agemonia and Arvi Teikari – Baba is You: What Now?
- This week is #Peliviikko eg. Week of Games, the annual game education and game culture theme week celebrated in November. Events are held across the country and online, mostly in Finnish language. For more information, visit the theme week’s website:
- Bitmagic’s has impressive quick showcase of their current development.