Play Finland’s Weekly Newsletter
In this report we will combine week 46/2020 from the Finnish Game Industry and will be posted every Friday afternoon. Check out the previous post here.
News are gathered from the Play Finland group posts during the week. That is why we recommend you to post by yourself (however not flood) your Finnish Game Industry related news to the group. It also guarantees that your news will be visible in the weekly newsletter /news compilation. Play Finland is at the moment one of the main channels for sharing information inside the industry.
Best Regards,
Neogames Finland
- 13th November Peliviikko and Game Makers of Finland are organizing a webinar (in Finnish) about working in Games
- 13th November Equity in games and play
- To participate in this discussion, please fill this registration form by this Sunday 8 November:
- 23rd November Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Publishing Games in China” (online)
- 24th November Games Capital Summit at NG20+
- The Deadline is 10th November Apply now!
- 25th November Joakim Achrén is hosting a webinar called “Early-Stage Success in Mobile Gaming,” where he talks to Skunkworks Games Co-Founder and CEO James Cramer
- 26th November Online Meetup with Unity
- 7th December Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Exergaming” (online)
- 9th December South Korean market Pitching event for Finnish Game Developers
- If you are interested to pitch, please fill the form and upload your pitch deck on the November 20th at the latest.
- 9th December Character Workshop by Bambinomonkey
- 25th January Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Founding a Game Company (in Finland), Again” (online)
- 15th February Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Building Sustainable Gaming Cultures” (online)
- 29th March Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Fostering Playful Experiences with Wearables” (online)
- March 2021(Date tbc) British Academy Games Awards
- Applications already open
- Thursday 19 November 2020 – Entries close
- Tuesday 2 March 2021 – Nominations announced
- March 2021 (Date tbc) – British Academy Games Awards
- 19th April Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Next Generation of Interactive Streaming” (online)
- 3rd May Games Now! open lecture series at Aalto University; “Art of Learning by Doing – The Great Game Jam Panel” (online)
- 19th-23rd of July GDC 2021
See also The Game Industry Events calendar
EGDF in co-operation with Slovak Game Developers Association has build for complete list of games industry events and conferences and their status.
- New Finnish Player Barometer 2020 is out!
- Kati Alha‘s brand new doctoral dissertation “The Rise of Free-to-Play: How the Revenue Model Changed Games and Playing”is out
Open jobs & Recruitment:
- Next Games is looking for senior producer
- 10th Muse is looking for a React Native Programmer
- Frogmind is looking for Data Analyst / Data Engineer to build something really epic and ambitious with them!
- BusinessFinland has launched a nationwide job board to advertise jobs for #English speakers in #Finland. Advertising the open positions in the portal is free of charge for the companies.
- If you are looking for talented games industry professionals in Finland for short or long term hire – please check out ever growing #GamesFactoryTalentBoard and please reach out for details! Also if you are #Talent working in games industry or willing to join the Finnish games industry feel free to apply!
- Take a look at for the current list of all jobs available in the Finnish Game Industry!
- 9th December South Korean market Pitching event for Finnish Game Developers
- If you are interested to pitch, please fill the form and upload your pitch deck on the November 20th at the latest.
Other News
- Games Jobs Finland recruitment/advertising platform has been updated. From now on possibility to purchase job postings in the on-line store. Link to relocation services including a relocation price calculator. Single job posting discounts for the members of Suomen Pelinkehittäjät and Serious Gaming Cluster Finland remain. Approximately 1000 curious new job newsletter subscribers every day and more in Twitter.
- Kayo Games: Flying with
in Augmented Reality
- Story (in Finnish only) about Finnish indie game studioVRKiwi and Cave Digger in national broadcasting channel; “Toimittaja laskeutui olemattomaan kaivokseen, löysi timantteja ja uppoutui sinne – joko nyt virtuaalitodellisuus tekee läpimurron pelimaailmaan?”
- Anna Pgr reminds if there is any marketers, community managers, UA people in PlayFinland Group and they are missing out on the Finnish marketing slack community, here’s the invite! They are cooking up a few virtual meetups and mentoring program
- The PX HUB blog post; “How Studios Can Prevent Unauthorised Spending in Games”