Update to Games Market Study: China, Japan and South Korea
Neogames Finland released new update to the report of games markets in China, Japan and South Korea (Republic of Korea).
Read more08.06.2021
Update to Games Market Study: China, Japan and South Korea
Neogames Finland released new update to the report of games markets in China, Japan and South Korea (Republic of Korea).
Read more24.10.2019
Games Market Study: China, Japan and South Korea
This study gives a brief overview of the games markets in China, Japan and South Korea (Republic of Korea). The...
Read more18.11.2015
The policy framework on the Chinese mobile game market
This report describes the resent development of the Chinese regulatory framework for games. Issues such as the current legal environment in...
Read more16.11.2015
Best practices: heading to China?
Neogames’ report on the Chinese mobile game industry and it’s possibilities for the Finnish game developers has now been published. ...
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