Neogames actively participates in developing games related education and research. A significant part of Finnish educational institutions that offer games education are members of Neogames.

Neogames as a Point of Contact

In Finland, games education is available in adult education centres, vocational colleges, universities of applied sciences and universities. Neogames functions as a contact point for all these educational institutions, companies in the game industry and other actors in the field to ensure that Finnish games education keeps developing along with the industry.

Neogames is also part of the network of Finnish games industry educational institutions. We arrange lectures in educational institutions to discuss the game industry, its current situation and future prospects.

Educational Institution Members

These educational institutions are members of Neogames and their game education is presented in separate landing page.

University of Applied Sciences

JAMK University of Applied Sciences ›

Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training

Careeria ›

University of Applied Sciences

Centria University of Applied Sciences ›

University of Applied Sciences

Kajaani University of Applied Sciences ›

University of Applied Sciences

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences ›

Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training

Sataedu ›

University of Applied Sciences

Tampere University of Applied Sciences ›

University of Applied Sciences

Turku University of Applied Sciences ›

University of Applied Sciences

Lapland University of Applied Sciences ›

Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training

Business College Helsinki ›

Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training

Pohjois-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä Riveria ›

Vocational Upper Secondary Education and Training

Oulun seudun ammattiopisto ›

University of Applied Sciences

Novia University of Applied Sciences ›