In February we have continued on working with the same three main themes as in January too. Compiling Finnish Game Industry report (out in April 2017) Preparing Finnish Game Awards (27.4) Game Connection America trade mission (27.2-1.3) Finnish Game Industry report The study is already in good shape, we have been finalising the texts and […]
A New Year has started also in the Finnish Game industry. Since there seems to be need for more detailed info on what is happening in Neogames, we decided to start keeping this Logbook to give all the readers some idea of what we are up to. Our ambitious goal is that in the future […]
The Chinese mobile game market has already bypassed the U.S. mobile game market with both the number of downloads and market revenue making it the most important game market on this planet. Considering all the platforms and devices Chinese market is the biggest in the world as well. Due to extreme growth and huge potential […]
JOIN NEOGAMES AND THE NORDICS AT GAME CONNECTION EUROPE 26-28.10.2016 Neogames has negotiated a very reasonably priced offer to its members for Game Connection Europe in Paris. In the spirit of the Nordic co-operation Neogames shares this offer with other Nordic clusters, NGI and their members. If the Game Connection concept is familiar to you, you know […]
Download this report as a pdf from here. In 2015, the Finnish game industry grew in all indicators. The amount of games published, the amount of employees and the total turnover increased. Furthermore the public interest in games strengthened. The industry’s revenues Neogames estimates that the revenue of the Finnish game industry was about 2,4 […]
Suomen pelinkehittäjät ry. ja Neogames järjestivät jälleen The Finnish Game Awards 2016 -gaalan. Juhlimme suomalaisen pelialan menestystä ja palkitsimme alan suunnannäyttäjät 21. huhtikuuta, Helsingissä, Club Capitalissa. Jatkoja juhlimme saman ravintolan tiloissa. Tapahtuma oli illallisgaala ja dress codena oli Dress to Impress (juhlava pukeutuminen/ tumma puku). Tapahtuman streemi löytyy Neogamesin YouTube-kanavalta. Kuvia löytyy Play Finlandin Flickr-tililtä. Tämän vuoden Finnish Game Awards ehdokkaat: Vuoden […]
Taas etsitään parhaita peliaiheisia lopputöitä! Neljäs vuosittainen pelialan opinnäytekilpailu tekee näkyväksi pelien parissa tehtävää korkeatasoista suomalaista koulutus- ja tutkimustyötä. Kilpailun järjestävät yhteistyössä pelitutkimuksen verkosto DiGRA Finland ja Suomen pelialan keskus Neogames. Vaatimukset: Kilpailuun hyväksytään niin suomalaisten yliopistojen kuin ammattikorkeakoulujen peliaiheiset opinnäytetyöt. Kilpailuun voi osallistua työllä, joka on hyväksytty kalenterivuoden 2015 aikana (1.1.-31.12.2015). Opinnäytteellä tarkoitetaan tässä […]
Nordic Game Institute (NGI) has negotiated a very reasonably priced offer to its respective members (and their members) for Game Connection America 14.-16.3.2016 in San Francisco during GDC week. If the Game Connection concept is familiar to you, you know what we are talking about. If you do not, read the following short explanation. More […]