Weekly News 2
Playsome released Friends & Dragons on iOS already last week. This week Koukoi Games and Fingersoft opened several interesting positions. Check those and all the news from our site. Enjoy the winter & weekend!
Playsome released Friends & Dragons on iOS already last week. This week Koukoi Games and Fingersoft opened several interesting positions. Check those and all the news from our site. Enjoy the winter & weekend!
Rovio has named Alexandre Pelletier-Normand as its new CEO and Peliosuuskunta Expa the IGDA Finland Jyväskylä Hub turned 8 years old on Dec 2020.
This week Nitro Games announced that they have secured a global exclusive license for Nerf by Hasbro to develop a mobile action game based on Nerf blasters.
This week Remedy Entertainment confirms that its 2019 action-adventure title Control, has now reached a new impressive sales milestone. Is also good to know that guidelines on ranking transparency in European platform regulation has been published.
This week Yousician got the Digi app of the year reward in Finland and several new cool Finnish games were released.
This week news are; Critical Force's excellent performance has been recognized with several achievements; The strongest in Finland 2020, Achievers 2020 and Growth Company of year 2020! Mr Autofire, is turning one!
This week news are; Jose Saarniniemi raises to new CEO of Small Giant + Apple will cut App Store commissions by half to 15% for small app makers + New game industry doctorate of this week; Heikki Tyni from Tampere Game Research Lab successfully defended his dissertation: Games Crowdfunding as a Form of Platformised Cultural Production.
This week New Finnish Player Barometer 2020 and Kati Alha's brand new doctoral dissertation "The Rise of Free-to-Play: How the Revenue Model Changed Games and Playing" was released!
This week Secret Exit reached hundred million(!!!) downloads + Rovio released their Q3 report already last week, with great profits + Neogames is organizing Pitching Event for partnering with Korean investors and publishers.
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